Regulation of the protein lifespan by the ubiquitin code

Hoshi University
The branched ubiquitin chains are considered as one of the key ubiquitin code regulating protein lifespan. We have found that the branched ubiquitin chains are abundant ubiquitin modifications in cells and promote protein degradation through the proteasome. Therefore, this research project aim at elucidating the role of the ubiquitin chain branching enzymes and branched ubiquitin codes in the regulation of protein lifespan.
1.Regulation of protein lifespan by the ubiquitin chain branching enzymes
Identification of target proteins regulated by the ubiquitin chain branching enzymes
2.Lifespan of the E3 ubiquitin ligases
Elucidating the mechanism of the code conversion from K63-linked chains to the branched ubiquitin chains
3.Signaling pathways modifying protein lifespan
Elucidating the mechanism how signal transduction pathways regulate the protein lifespan.